Friday, June 8, 2012

Where The Gnome Is...

My most recently discovered gnome friends getting ready to venture out into the human world!

These guys are not afraid of heights!

Gnome conference with two (catnip-filled) mice.

Where we are born...

These two are going on a long journey together.

"My son, I must teach you the ways of the human world... 
But no matter what dangers we may encounter, 
you must be brave and go forward with an open heart!"

My major/minor side project... 
Making granny hexagon and stitching them into a blanket.

Most of these yarns I have spun and dyed over the years.

1 comment:

juno said...

aww, they remind me of the gnome in amelie:) i want one! which reminds me...i need to peruse your etsy site...